Arquitecto por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en 1989 con la calificación de Sobresaliente.
Doctor arquitecto en 2002, con la calificación de Sobresaliente cum laude con la Tesis “El proyecto cubista. De Le Corbusier a Stirling. Estudio del proceso de creación de la arquitectura".
Su formación se completó con diversas colaboraciones en Estudios de Arquitectura, entre otros, los de Javier Carvajal, Alberto Campo Baeza, BAU arquitectos o AA arquitectos.
Es arquitecto colegiado en el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid desde 1988 y desde entonces ha desarrollado más de un centenar de proyectos de arquitectura, muchos de ellos premiados, publicados y expuestos en diversas ocasiones.
Ha obtenido el PRIMER PREMIO en los siguientes Concursos:
Concurso restringido de Ideas de Escenografía para Congreso Nacional. Madrid 2000
Concurso de Ideas 53 viviendas en Valdemoro, 2003
Concurso de Ideas 144 VPPB Virgen de la Encina. EMVS, 2007
Concurso de Proyectos 150 VPO en Valdemoro. 2009
Concurso de Ideas 142 VPPB Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 9. EMVS, 2009
Es Premio COAM 2013 (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).
Su obra ha sido publicada en diversas publicaciones, entre otras:
75 años 1931-2006 Arquitectura en Guadalajara. Editorial COACM. Guadalajara, 2008
Housing Primer. Le forme della residenza nella cittá contemporanea.Maggioli editore, Milan, 2012
Revista ARQUITECTURA C.O.A.M. (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid) Nº 346 (2006) y 351 (2008)
Sus proyectos han sido expuestos en Obra Reciente en la Fundación C.O.A.M., en la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia (2012) y en la Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa (2013)
Por otra parte, acumula 28 años como Profesor de Universidad, entre 1989 y 2001 en el CEU Arquitectura, y entre 2001 y 2017 en la Universidad San Pablo CEU, impartiendo las asignaturas de Composición arquitectónica, Historia de la arquitectura moderna, Introducción a la Arquitectura e Intervención en el Patrimonio Histórico. Ha sido profesor de Cursos de Doctorado y Profesor Invitado en el Centro Studium Generale Marcianum de Venecia, en las Universidades de Moscú Stroganov (antiguo VKutemas) y Strelka, así como en el ECA (Edinburgh College of Arts) y ESALA (Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture). Ha sido Director de cinco tesis doctorales y miembro de tribunales de Tesis en la ETSAM en numerosas ocasiones.
Ha sido Investigador Principal del grupo Arquitectura Contemporánea Española y ha participado en diversos Proyectos de Investigación tales como España en los CIAM o Espacios para la Enseñanza I-IV. Ha impartido numerosas conferencias, publicado libros y artículos sobre arte y arquitectura moderna y participado en diversos congresos de arquitectura, tanto nacionales como internacionales.
Su implicación académica y su contribución a la Universidad han sido siempre muy destacables organizando numerosas actividades complementarias para los alumnos tales como Jornadas de Arquitectura (con Miguel Fisac, José Antonio Corrales, Javier Carvajal, Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Alberto Campo Baeza, Tadao ando, Peter Eisenman, Álvaro Siza, Emilio Ambasz, Dominique Perrault, Mario Botta, Tonet Sunyer, José Morales, Javier García-Solera, Gallegos-Aranguren, Estudio Cano Lasso, Nieto-Sobejano, Sancho-Madridejos, entre muchísimos otros), Exposiciones (Asentamientos Primitivos la Casa de los Animales) o Viajes de Arquitectura (Ruta Le Corbusier I-Europa y II-India, Ruta Aalto en Finlandia, Suecia y Dinamarca, Holanda, Egipto, Japón, Los Ángeles y Sicilia, entre otros).
Ha sido miembro de la Junta de Escuela y del Tribunal de PFC en la Universidad San Pablo CEU, así como responsable del área de Composición Arquitectónica diseñando sus nuevas asignaturas del Plan Bolonia.
Architect by the Technical School of Architecture of Madrid in 1989. FIRST CLASS degree.
Doctor architect with Honors in 2002, with the thesis "The cubist project. From Le Corbusier to Stirling. Study of the process of creation of architecture ".
His academic training was completed with various collaborations in some highly recognised architectural Offices, including those of Javier Carvajal, Alberto Campo Baeza, BAU architects or AA architects.
He has been a collegiate architect at the Official College of Architects of Madrid since 1988 and since then, he has developed more than a hundred architectural projects, many of them awarded, published and exhibited on various occasions.
He has won the FIRST PRIZE in the following competitions:
Restricted Competition of Scenography Ideas for National Congress. Madrid 2000
Ideas Competition 53 Homes in Valdemoro, 2003
Ideas Competition 144 VPPB Virgen de la Encina. EMVS, 2007
Projects Competition 150 VPO in Valdemoro. 2009
Ideas Competition 142 VPPB Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 9. EMVS, 2009
He was awarded with the COAM Award in 2013 granted by Official College of Architects of Madrid.
His work has been extensively published in volumes such as:
75 years 1931-2006 Architecture in Guadalajara. Editorial COACM. Guadalajara, 2008
Housing Primer. Le formme della residenza nella cittá contemporanea. Maggioli Editore. Milan, 2012.
ARCHITECTURE Magazine C.O.A.M. (Official College of Architects of Madrid) Nº 346 (2006) and 351 (2008)
His projects have been exhibited in “Recent Work”, held at C.O.A.M. Foundation, in the Venice Architecture Biennial (2012) and in the Lisbon Architecture Triennial (2013)
In parallel to his career as an architect, he has devoted 28 years to the academic world as University Senior Lecturer Between 1989 and 2001 he taught at CEU Arquitectura, and between 2001 and 2017 at San Pablo CEU University. Among the subjects he has been responsible for are Architectural Composition, History of Modern Architecture, Introduction to Architecture and Intervention in the Historical Heritage. He has been Professor of Doctorate Courses and Guest Professor at the Studium Generale Marcianum Center in Venice, at the Moscow Universities Stroganov (formerly VKutemas) and Strelka, as well as at the Edinburgh College of Arts (ECA) and the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. He has supervised five doctoral theses and has been member of thesis courts at ETSAM Madrid in numerous occasions.
He is Principal Investigator of the group CONTEMPORARY SPANISH ARCHITECTURE and has participated in several Research Projects such as Spain in the CIAM or Spaces for Teaching I-IV. He has given numerous lectures, published books and articles on modern art and architecture and participated in various congresses of architecture, both national and international, where he has been able to share with other scholars the results of his investigations. He has a six- year period of investigation certified by the ANECA (Spanish National Agency of Evaluation of the Quality and Accreditation)
His academic involvement and contribution to the University have always been remarkable. This has been reflected in the organization of numerous complementary activities for his students including, though not limited to, the Architecture Days (with Miguel Fisac, José Antonio Corrales, Javier Carvajal, Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Alberto Campo Baeza, Tadao ando, Peter Eisenman, Alvaro Siza, Emilio Ambasz, Dominique Perrault, Mario Botta, Tonet Sunyer, José Morales, Javier García-Solera, Gallegos-Aranguren, Cano Lasso Study, Nieto-Sobejano, Sancho-Madridejos, among many others), Exhibitions (Primitive Settlements or The House of the Animals) and Specialized Architecture Trips (Le Corbusier Route I-Europe and II-India; Aalto Route in Finland, Sweden and Denmark; The Netherlands, Egypt, Japan, Los Angeles or Sicily, among others).
He has been a member of the School Board and the PFC (Final Degree Project) Tribunal at the Universidad San Pablo CEU, as well as responsible for the area of Architectural Composition, he being in charge of designing the new subjects and structure following the recently implemented Bologna Plan.